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Entry of Grades

Where can I enter my grades into the eCampus?

After logging into the Jade eCampus, go to the upper right corner and select the role of an examiner of the Jade University Wilhelmshaven/Oldenburg/Elsfleth.

Entering the grades is possible at two places:

  1. If the study programmes have not been migrated into HISinOne yet, you can get to the entry of grades via the tab “Examination Administration”. This leads you to the Legacy System QIS. You can find a short instruction on how to enter the grades in QIS here
  2. If the study programme has already been migrated into HISinOne with the examination administration, you will find the entry of grades in the tab “Services”. A short instruction on how to enter grades under services can be found here
en/faqs/noteneingabe/start.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/08 11:58 by gu1111