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Registration as an Applicant

In order to apply for the Jade University, you will need to execute an online-registration first. This needs to be done within the application period.

Application Periods

Applications are possible within the following time periods:

◾ Study Programmes without Numerus Clausus:

  • Winter Semester: Until the 15.09. each year, Online Study Programmes: Until the 15.08.
  • Summer Semester: Until the 15.03. each year, Online Study Programmes: Until the 15.02.

◾ Study Programmes with Numerus Clausus:

  • Winter Semester: Until the 15.07. each year
  • Summer Semester: Until the 15.01. each year

Please inform yourself about the application deadlines for master study programmes with help of this table.

Within this time period, you can apply via the Jade eCampus.

Applicants with a University Entrance Qualification from Abroad

• Foreign student applicants, who earned their university entrance qualification or university degree abroad

• German student applicants, who earned their university entrance qualification or university degree abroad (exception: German school abroad)

Start for applications is the 01.10 (summer semester) respectively the 01.04 (winter semester) for each year. You do not apply directly at our university but via uni-assist.

Application Deadlines for Study Programmes with a Numerus Clausus via uni-assist:

  • Winter Semester: Until the 15.06. each year
  • Summer Semester: Until the 15.12. each year

Exception: The Architecture master study programme starting in the summer semester can be applied for until the 31.01. each year.

Application Deadlines for Study Programmes without a Numerus Clausus:

  • Winter Semester: Until the 15.09., Online Study Programmes: Until the 15.08.
  • Summer Semester: Until the 15.03., Online Study Programmes: Until the 15.02.

Exception: The master study programmes Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering starting in the winter semester can be applied for until the 15.10. each year.

en/ecampus/app/registrierung/start.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2019/08/28 11:25 von pi1004